A blog about CTF write-ups, programming, and anything related to information security.
Hack The Box – Meow Write Up
A very simple CTF box that gets you started.
Meow is the first box in the Hack The Box’s Starting Point series.
When you spawn an instance of the machine. What kind of environment is the machine being hosted?An endpoint host in the early infrastructure of computing. Similar to client-server, and the client is the endpoint.A common open source software used to manage connections to a VPN.Use ‘ifconfig’ in the terminal.A common networking tool used to determine if a host is up on the network. Think sonar for submarines.Another name for this is ‘Network Mapper’.This was an early service use to manage remote machine, and this communication channel is sent in clear text.The Linux super user. Similar to what Local Administrator or SYSTEM is to Windows.Use ‘cat’, ‘vi’, ‘head’, or others to grab the flag.